Founding Donors

North Star Reach provides life-changing, year-round programs (at camp and remotely) for children with serious health challenges and their families, free of charge.

north star reach donors

We extend our deepest gratitude to our founding lead donors without whom the dream of North Star Reach would never have been possible. This select group of remarkably generous lead donors contributed vital support long before camp opened. Their generosity and dedication will be appreciated for generations to come.


Hundreds of dedicated donors helped us to realize our dream of opening North Star Reach, with many giving long before our first building was constructed. We recognize these incredibly vital donors below; their generosity will be felt and appreciated by campers for generations to come.


A3C Collaborative Architecture

Mark and Martha Aben

Abercrombie & Fitch

Jeff and Andrea Ackerman

Todd and Barbara Ackley

Christopher Acquafredda

Adams Outdoor Advertising

Bernard and Heather Adams

Phyllis Adams

Rebecca Addison

AHEPA District 10 Lodge

Cheryl Ahrens

ALCO Transportation

Altruic Advisors, PLLC

James and Michele Aluia

Alvin L. Glick Foundation

Kay Alzuhn

Rojena Amaimo

Stephanie and Justin Amaimo


American Journal Of Health Promotion, Inc.

American Legion Auxiliary

Gerry and Lizann Anderson

Dave and Katie Andrea

The Andrews Group

Al Andrews

Karen and Timothy Andrews

Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation

Ann Arbor Auto

Ann Arbor Country Club

Ann Arbor Tri Club

Ann Arbor T-Shirt Company


Patricia Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Antioch

Anne Antor

Arbor Brewing Company, LLC

Arbor Research Collaborative For Health

Juana Arcos

Brian and Rebecca Armstrong

Doug and Joan Armstrong

Robert and Roberta Armstrong

Thomas Arnold

Stephen and Robin Arntz

Art Van Furniture, Inc.

Bree and John Arvai

Christopher Arvanites

Keith and Margie Asef

Jennifer and Khalil Attie

Tamela and Jeffrey Austin

Deborah and Dale Autio

Avun-X Group Inc.

Janet and Alex Azary

Kathy and Dan Babcock

Errol and Joane Bachelder

Tracy Bacigalupi

David Backes

Richard and Suzanne Bade

Rob and Katie Baidel

Robert and Dona Baird

David Baker

Kathy and Corey Bakian

Daniel and Barbara Balbach

Tom Baldwin

Joan C. Banfield Foundation

Bank Of America

Bank Of Ann Arbor

John Banks

Carlton and Patricia Bardel

Stephen and Kathleen Barger

Marilyn Barnett

Brian Barrett

Stacie Barrett

Jeffrey Barron

Gwen Baseman

Gail Basile

Sheri Bassewitz

Percy and Cheryl Bates

Bearcave Distribution, LLC

Gwen Haggerty-Bearden and Steven Bearden

Denise Beasecker

Roberta and Louis Beaudet

Beaumont Hospital

Frances Beckett-Shell

Anna and Gordon Beeman

BHPi Behavioral Health Professionals, Inc.

John and Kathleen Beilein

Beth and Bill Bell

Joe Bell

Paul Bellantuono

Carrie Bennett

John and Catherine Berbiglia

Gordon and Lauren Berg

Jennifer Berg

Jeremy Berger

Steve and Traci Berger

Vaughn Berkeley

Paul and Chris Berlacher

Jocelyn Berman

Bernard L. Maas Foundation

Rachel Bendit and Mark Bernstein

Lana Berry

Mary Berry

Scott Bertschy

William Besson

Keeley and Norman Betts

Megan and Christopher Betz

Joyce and John Bickel

Mike and Kathy Bierlein

Thomas and Leah Biggs

Karen Bihlmeyer

Shari Bilarczyk

Janet Bilhartz

Sally Binard

Binkley Enterprises, LLC

Fred and Linda Biondo

Elizabeth Bishop

Christine and Herbert Black

Paul Black

Barbara Blackman

Catherine Blankenship

Mike and Sara Blaser

Neal Blatt

Gayle and Dennis Blitz

Jess Bloom

H. Bluestein & Company

Lawrence and Karen Bober

Erin Boedeker

John and Lindsay Bogdasarian

Ronald and Mimi Bogdasarian

Andrea Bolterstein

Cynthia Bolterstein

Gwynn Bondy

Kathleen Boratynski

Boullion Sales

Ed Boullion

Peter and Charlotte Swann Bowen

Marilyn Bowerman

Jon and Maggie Boyle

Bryan Bradford

Sam Bradford

Grace Brand

Robert and Lynnette Bratten

Lisa Brazel

Russ Brewster

Mariza and Cory Brimhall

Lena and Samantha Brinkley

Morgan Brisse

Britten Banners, Inc.

Margaret Britton

Robert Brothers

Brown and DeLine Salon

Richard Brown

Steven and Marla Brown

Audrey and Gary Bruhn

Judith Brune

Joel Bruss

Greg and Jean Buck

Arthur and Karen Bucki

Buhr Foundation

Bui Family Foundation

Patricia Bullard

Carl and Pamela Bumgardner

Kimberly and Leon Bunch

Michael Burden

Thomas Burden

Tonya Burden

Sandra Burdi

Burnham Family Foundation

Michael and Lynn Burns

Robb Burroughs

Laura Burrows

Marilyn and William Burrows

Busch’s Fresh Food Market

Bill and Kristine Buyers

Byrd Bros. Venture No. 2, LLC

Sean and Barbara Byrne

C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital

Kristen Cady

Margaret Calarco

Alicia Caldecott

Mary Pat Callahan

Pat and Peg Callahan

Richard and Melinda Callahan

Cambridge Fitness Of Lansing–Planet Fitness

Craig Campbell, Jr.

Craig Campbell, Sr.

Darrell and Barbara Campbell

Donald Canham

Bill and Judy Canning

Lisa Capraro

Silvia Caraballo

Kara Cardelli

Mary and Jeffrey Carley

Carls Foundation

Frances and Jon Carlson

Ryan and Charlotte Carne

Sheila Carpenter

Lloyd and Laurie Carr

Robert and Michelle Carr

Tammi and Jason Carr

John Castellese

Catalyst Club

Catholic Central High School Of Detroit

Carrie Caylor

Century Tool & Gage Company

Jason and Cari Ceo

CGI Comgraphics

Carol and Alethea Chaconas

Leanne Chadwick

Scott and Maureen Chaikin

Kristine Chandler

Anthony Chapman

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

John and Kathy Charpie

Jessica and Brice Chasey

John Wehr and Nancy Chenevey

Cheryl and Dennis Furlong

Suzanne Cheslin

Chestnut Development, LLC

Avery and Elizabeth Chi

Children’s Hospital Of Michigan

Children’s Hospital Of Michigan Foundation

Brinker International

Elisa Chin

James Chivas

Kellyn Christmas

Stacie P. Chukerman

Susan Citrin

Paul and Missy Clancy

Jill Clinard

Closet NV LLC

Stephanie Cloutier

William and Carole Cobb

Michael Cochran

Nema Coffey

Alice Cohen

  1. Adam Cohen

Richard Cohen

Loree and Richard Collett

Kay Collier

Collins and Wallbanger

Todd and Andrea Collins

John and Anne Colone

Christeen Colter

Tom and Denise Colturi

Commercial Freight Services, Inc.

Community Foundation For Southeast Michigan

Community Health Charities Of Michigan

Compuware Sports Arena

Andrew Cook

Cooper and Binkley Diamond Jewelers

Susan Cooper

David and Elizabeth Copeland

John Copeland

Casey and Linda Copley

Anthony Coppa

Karen Cornish

Robin and Craig Corrington

Michelle and Scott Corrunker

Costco Wholesale #786

Costco Wholesale Executive Match

Dina Cotter

Noelle Cotter

Scott Courtney

Mark Cousino

William and Lori Cowan

Ashlee Crabill

Dan and Debbie Craig

Curt and Mary Lou Cramer

David and Jennifer Crawford

Lexandra Creitz

Harry and Dale Crespy

Lenore Crockett

John R. Crosby Memorial Foundation

Dennis Crowley

Travis Cryderman

Harriet Culbertson

Jan and Carey Culbertson

Beverly Cullinan Waite

Matthew Cunningham

Tom and Laurie Cunnington

Robert Currie

Carol Curtis

Allison Curtis

Paige and Keith Curtis

Keith and Catherine Cutter

Derrick Dabbs

DAC Holdings, LLC

Jeffrey Dagher

Dave and Dianne Daily

Marvin and Lauren Daitch

Ann Daley

Joel and Jacqueline Dalton

Matt Daly

John Damiani

Tim and Robin Damschroder

Dance Marathon

Robert D’Angelo

Mildred and Lee Danielson

Julia Donovan Darlow and John O’Meara

Ava Dashner

Diane Dauber

Terri Daunter

Patrick Davis

Glen Davis

Jason O. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Davis

Dawn Dennis

Nancy Dean

Dear Jack Foundation

Michele Debski

Dedoes Industries

Brian and Cheryl Dehmlow

Dennis DeLay

Delta Air Lines Foundation

Michael Cameron Dempsey Fund

Suzzanne and Jack Dempsey

Cheryl Zeese and Matthew Denenberg

Tony and Lori Denton

Torri Derks

Julie and Matt Desbrough

Design Installation Services

Detroit Air & Electric Tool Service, Inc.

Detroit Skating Club

Detroit Tigers Foundation

Donna and Donald Dettling

Jim and Kathy Detwiler

Toby Deutsch

Dexter Area Firefighters’ Association

Dexter Pharmacy

Susan Dible

Tim and Fay Dickinson

Zach Dietrich

Differentiated Kindergarten

Kenneth Dill

Tony Dinardo

Anthony and Joanne DiPonio

Discount Tire

Matthew and Elizabeth Distefano

David and Joyce Dlugie

Louise Dodd

Al and Kendra Dodds

Rennia Dombrowski

Domino’s Pizza

Patricia and Kevin Donahue

Patricia Dooley

Karl Dorn

Jeff and Cherri Dougherty

Margo Douthat

Ashley and Annie Dowling

Constance Doyle

Amy Drayton

Dresner Foundation

DTE Energy Foundation

Carole Dubritsky

Florence and Sheldon Dulberg

Deborah Dulimba

Jeffrey and Terri Dulude

Nancy Durance

Shon and Daniel Dwyer

Melissa and Andy Dyer

Stephen Earhart

Lucy Earl

East Ann Arbor Health Center (East AA Infusion)

East West Industrial Engineering

Judy Eccleston

David and Stacie Edington

Ann Edwards

EEI Global

Nicole and Stephen Eisenberg

Robert and Andria Eisman

Cheri Elert

Eric Elgin

Robert and Sally Elgin

Sarah Elgin

Elite Soccer Academy, LLC

Kathy Elliot

Bruce and Cheryl Elliott

Tessa Elliott

Stephanie and Robert Ellwood

Dick and Lynn Elwell

Emerson School

Suzanne Engle

James Enzor

Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation


Ted Erickson

Lisa Erikson

Kathleen Evans

Mark and Alayne Evans

Linda and Peter Forster

Christine Faeth

Stacey Faircloth

Family Health and Medicine, PC

Susan and David Farley

Dave and Kathleen Farmer

Steven Farrell

Zachary Farrell-Hansen

Bob Fastnacht

Michael and Jacqueline Coleman Fatt

Katie Fatum

John and Beth Fechushak

David Felbeck

Alan and Rose Fellhauer

Leo Felty

Trayce and Randy Fenton

Rhonda and Ron Ferber

Alton and Kay Ferry

Judith Ferry

Dugan and Katie Fife

Fifth Third Bank

Diana Finerty

Courtney Finlayson

Patrick and Kristin Finn

Elizabeth and James Firebaugh

First Choice Building & Maintenance, LLC

Dan and Pam Fischer

Marci Fishman

Joseph Fitzsimmons

Candace and Peter Fitzsimons

Flat Out Crazy, LLC

Fleming Building Staff

Kyra Fleming

Michelle and Eric Florka

Ford Dealers Advertising Dealer Advertising Cooperative

Elizabeth Ford

Jennifer Ford

David and Becky Fox

Kathryn Fox

Anthony Fragnoli

Joann Fragnoli

Elizabeth Fraser

Peter Fredericks

Ann Freeman

Angela French

David and Betsy French

Leonard and Christine Frescoln

Michael Frickman

Judi and Howard Friedman

Friends Of The U-M Health System

Judy and Bruce Frier

Craig Frizzell

From The Heart

Judith and John Fuqua

Kathleen Furlong

Kevin and Cindy Furlong

Mary Gagnon

Galens Medical Society

Michael and Julie Garavaglia

Kristi Gardner

Mary Gardner

Mark Garmo

Eric Gasiorowski

Ingrid and Bruce Gatward

Joanna Gay

Evelyn Gedman

Douglas and Marilyn Geiger

Judith Genotti

Dave and Terri Gerstler

Jean Marie Gerstler

Tracey Gerus

Diane and David Giffin

Helen Gilbert

John and Brenda Gillespie

George and Mary Gilligan

Craig Ginnan

William Glastris

Sandee and Bernie Glieberman

Pamela and William Goble

Frank and Emily Gobright

Andy and Melissa Gohl

Paul and Laura Gohl

Cookie Goldberg

Judy Goldberg

Gloria Anna Goldman

Jeff and Mary Golota

Goode Interiors, Inc.

Byng Goode

William and Bonnie Goodrich

Gordon Group Insurance

Melissa Gordon

Stewart and Mary Gordon

Karen and Steven Goss

Beth Gotthelf

James Govert

Julie Gowans Rashid

Matthew and Marjo Grabowski

Jamie and Lori Grace

Reva Grace

Cindy Graessle

Charles and Julia Gragg

Lawrence Gralewski

Nancy Gravelle

Kimberly and James Gray

Susan Grayson

Greashaber Dentistry

Jan and Jerry Greashaber

Nicholas and Laura Greashaber

The Great Foodini

Anita Greca

Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc.

Theresa Green

Yael Greenwood

Ryan and Michelle Gregg

Martha Gregory

Cindy Greutman

Carole and Dwayne Griffin

Zak Grimm

Catherine Groll

Thomas and Audrey Grosman

Jaymee Gross

Karl Groth

Ground Lease GLC Credit

Guy and Janet Guarino

David Gumenick

Jacqueline Gurwin

Daniel Gwinn

Damien Hagaman

Ryan Hagan

Thomas and Julie Haggerty

Michael Hainline

Sally and Thomas Hamby

Steve and Sheila Hamp

The Jim Harbaugh Foundation

Harper’s Restaurant & Brew Pub Harbrinel, Inc.

Amy Harris

Ashini Harris

Katina Harris

Kevin and Janis Hartman

Will and Afton Hassett

Hatch Stamping Company

Dan and Jane Hayes

Hearts Of Hope Foundation

Tiffany and Jeff Hecklinski

Terry Heffernan

Judith and Gregg Heidebrink

April Heier

Sharon Heineman

Tiffany Heinz

Dominic and Christine Held

Katy, Woody and Craig Held

Anthony Helinski

Hellmi, LLC

Ryan and Seana Hendricks

Stephen Henrie

Norman and Deborah Herbert

Julie Spencer and Diane Herdrich

Herman Miller Foundation

Julie Hertzberg

Theresa Heurtebise

Courtney and David Heys

Sara and Brian Hickey

Jeff Higgins

Michael Higgins

Mark Hilal

Anne and John Hill

Hillis-Carnes Engineering Associates, Inc.

Scott and Linda Hinshaw

Julie and Bart Hodge

Sid and Gwen Hodges

Brenda and David Hofley

Wayne Hofmann

Elizabeth Hogan

Kathy and Arnold Hohn

Hole In The Wall

Heidi and Leo Hollenbeck

Marilyn Hollier

Howard and Carole Holmes

Cheryl and Mark Holten

Elizabeth Hoppes

Daniel Horning

Russell Horton

Edward Horvath

Liz and Gary Houle

Dave House

Howard Hanna Children’s Free Care Fund Foundation

The Hoy Family

HS Foundation

Holly Hudson Hatt

Dan and Colleen Hughes

Jeffrey Huhta

Matt and Adrienne Hunwick

Nancy Hutzell

Infusion Clinic At Taubman Center

Amy Ingber

Shani Inge

Kenny and Erika Ingle

Alan Israel

ITC Holdings Corp

Miho Ito-Navarro

J.M. and Marie Ivey

Anne Jackson

Bob and Lynn Jackson

Chantel and Mark Jackson

Daryl and Melody Jackson

Dana Jacobson

Ira and Brenda Jaffe

Cheryl Jamnick

Linda Janiszewski

Alexander and Marge Janowski

Joseph and Cathryn Jarvis

Jacquline Jeffery

Phil Jenkins

Wayne D. Jones Community Fund

Judy Johns

Linda Johns

Bobby Johnson

Christine Johnson

Debra Johnson

Diane and Larry Johnson

John Johnson

Karen Johnson

Rodney and Pamela Johnson

Ross Johnson

Scott Johnson

The Jones Family Foundation

Abby, Chelsea, and Morgan Jones

Eleanor Jones

Greg Jones

Owen Jones

Robert and Cindy Jones

William Jones

Jones-Keena & Co.

Destinee and LaVall Jordan

Joseph Joshua

Patricia Joyce

Chuck and Patti Judson

George and Toni Jurkiw

Carol Kahn

Michael and Karen Kairys

Leslie Kamil

Christopher and Susan Kaniut

Ethan and Allison Kaplan

Sharon and Alan Kaplan

Elaine and Abe Karam

Gabriella and Alex Karp

Nanci Katz

Ruth Katz

Jeffrey and Tracey Katzen

Alan and Sue Kaufman

Elissa Kaufman

Rand Kazanji

Barbara Kearly

Roxann and Pat Keating

Katy Keegan

Brian Keeler

Rboert and Jeri Kelch

Leslee Kelly

Lindsey Kelly

Christy Kendall

Kelly Kenny

Kenwal Steel Corporation

Ann Murray and Deb Kern

Diana Kern

Mary Kern

Scott and Lori Keyes

Paras Khandhar

Kathy and Vern Kiehl

Maureen and Gary King

Michele King

Paul and Daphne King

Judy Kirkdorffer

Frank and Mary Jane Klee

Andrew Klein

Daniel and Lisa Klein

Debra Klezek

Mary Klooster

Carroll and Heidi Klotz

Donald Klotz

Pam Knickerbocker

Christopher Knight

Joan Knoertzer

Jaclyn Knue

Lisa and Walter Knysz

Nancy Koch

Virginia Koester

Kohl’s  Macomb 7

Kohl’s 186 Frenchtown

Kohl’s Ann Arbor 332

Kojaian Management Corporation

Elizabeth Kolb

Richard and Dorothy Kollar

Susan Kornfield

Debra Kovacevich

Joan Kovacevich

Dave and Karen Kowal

Michael Kozlowicz

Adam and Julie Kraus

Jeffrey Krejsa

The Kresge Foundation

Rachel Kreuzer

Linda Kristall

Robert Kritt

Michael and Jessica Krivan

Kroger Community Rewards

Daniel Kroll

Robert and Jennifer Kromrei

Sandy Kubik

Daniel Kukes

Tom and Rosanne Kukes

Nora Kulkarni

Sharon Kutzschbach

Mark and Julie Kuykendall


L & W Engineering Community Fund

L.A.S. Leasing, Inc.

Martin and Doris La Page

La Societe De Femmes Grande Cabane De Michigan

Andrea LaFave

Earl and Reatha LaFave

LaFontaine Automotive Group

Brian Lagler

David Lakin

Ronald and Audrey Lakin

Kimberly Lamb

Debbie Lambrix

Kenneth and Mary Lambrix

James Lane

Allison and Philo Lange

Annette Langwald

Marilyn Lanzon

Martin J. Lapage

Miranda LaPan

Michael Lapanowski

Jacquelynn and Philip Lapinski

John and Linda Larin

Michael Lask

Don and Sandy LaTurno

Richard and Karin Laurin

James and Shelly Laurinaitis

Charles and Robert Lawson

Larry and Myra Lawson

Minde Lawson

Wendy Lawson

Joe and Jeanne Learman

Patrick and Lisa Leavy

Ron and Debbie Lederman

Mark Legnini

Darian Leib

Connie Lenau

Leon Speakers

Ross and Nicole Lerner

Eric and Carrie Letke

Francesca Levey

Sandra and David Levey

Steven Levicki

Levinson Jewelers

Teresa Lewandowski

Alonzo Lewis

Amber Lewis

Deborah and Thomas Lewis

J.J. Lewis

David Lieberman

Lightning Ridge Enterprises

David and Karen Ligotti

Theresa Likert

Dennis and Chris Lindeman

George and Cathy Lindstrom

Emily Line

Keith and Erin Linnenbringer

David and Catherine Lippert

Mark and Juana List

Livingston County Concrete

Loretta Lizzi

Joe and Cristina Lockwood

Jake and Jackie Long

John and Denise Long

Michael and Chris Losey

Michael and Deirdre Lowry

Steve and Kate Lowry

Jill Lozo

Francene Lundy

Richard Lundy

David and Diane Lusk

Howard and Cynthia Lutz

Fran Lyman

The Bob and Jan Lyons Family Foundation

Janet Lyons

Rob and Allyson Lyons

M Den

MA Engineering, Inc.

Phil and Francine MacBride

Laura MacDonald

Molly MacDonald

Donald Mack

Roxanna and Joseph Mack

Erica MacLachlan

Macomb County Forty & Eight

John and Mindy Magee

Joe Mahler

The Main Crossing

Anna and Joseph Maiuri

Matthew Maiuri

Deborah Maki

Heidi Manchester

Timothy and Kathleen Manney

Mary and Pat Mansfield

Liz Marek and Andrew Kilbride

Milan Marich

Christine Mark

Jeff Mark

Patrick Mardney and David Mark

Richard Mark

Abe Slaim and Sheri Mark

Mark-Lis Family Philanthropic Fund

Patti Marks

Diane Martel

Martin Family Foundation

Bill and Sally Martin

Joan Martin

Kelly and Michael Martorano

Yvan Silva and Sue Marx

Masco Corporation Foundation

Jerry and Sue Matela

Frederick Matthaei

Christine Maurer

Becca Maus

Max & Erma’s

Emily and Kevin May

Amy Mayer

Kim McCaffrey

Robert and Catherine McCann

Ryan McCleavey

Joan and Kevin McCrone

Janet and Jeffrey McDole

William and Tamara McDonough

McFamily Charitable Foundation

Carolyn and Brad McFarlane

Patricia McGarry

Dan and Lauren McGillicuddy

Paul and Nancy McGrath

Marsha and Michael McGuire

Michael and Marie McGuire

Tricia and David McGuire

Joseph McKenna

Sean McKenna

Patrick and Leeann McKeon

James McKinstry

Harold McNeil

Deborah Meade

Spence Medford


Wendy and Johannes Meintjes

Guy Melaragni

Menasha Corporation Founda

Marc Mendelson

Bob and Debbie Merion

Ray Merlo

Dennis Merrick

David and Dorothy Anne Merryman

Karen Meyer

Maureen Michalski

Michigan Women’s Soccer Camp, LLC

Andrew and Anna Mignery

Bradley Mikolajczyk

Edmund and Cheryl Campbell Milekovich

Rhoda Milgrim

Raymond Miller

Sharon Miller

Scott Milligan

John and Ann Mills

Minnesota State Good Sam Club

Frank and Debra Mirabella

Steve Mitzel


Joseph Moglia

Marcus Mojica

Momentum Construction

Patricia Mooradian

Lori Moore

Pam and Robert Moorhead

Roberto and Edna Morales

Vince Moratta

Jonathan Morley

Ann-Marie Morris

Scot Morrison

Michael Morse

Susan Morse

Joseph and Christine Mosey

Benjamin Moss

Mott Golf Classic

Mott Respiratory Care

Mouthwatering Marinades LLC

Haley Muir

Carolyn Mulkiten

Alan and Margot Mumby

Kathleen Muneio

Geoff and Anne Murphy

Shawn and John Murphy

Meghan Murray

Sarah Murray

Jennifer Musial

Juliana Musselman

My Inch Of The Earth

John and Melissa Nachazel

Joe and Deb Nachtrab

Katie and Jeffrey Nadig

The Nail Salon

Andrew Nalian

Rishi and Alison Narayan

Maureen Naszradi

National Neutropenia Network

John Navarre

Alison Neff

Eric Nelson and Jake Nelson

Virginia Nelson

Bob Newell

Kurt and Clea Newman Soderlund

Lynn and Jim Newman

Newman’s Own Foundation

Sandra Newport

Christopher and Mary Newton

NFL Players

James Nicholson

Gail Nicklowitz

Linda and Jerry Nielson

Toni Nigg

Jonathan Noah-Navarro

Ronald Nomeland

Chris and Garry Noonan

Scott Northcutt

Robert Novasel

Nowak & Fraus Engineers

Nu-Tech Graphics & Systems, Inc.

John Oberdick

Cindy-Ann O’Connor

Offield Family Foundation

Kaitlin O’Keefe

Rebecca O’Keefe

Thomas O’Keefe

Dennis Oleary

Olga’s Kitchen

Richard Olrich

Mary Ellen and Tony Orlando

Alicia Ortez

Fernando and Mary Sue Ortiz

Julia Osmer

Ostlund A Service Company

Stephanie and David Ottenwess

Bob and Marnie Overton

Tunde Owoiya

Alison Paine

Kelly Parkinson

Patrick Parsons

Mark and Sue Pascoe

Tim and Shann Patton

Matt Paul

Shirley and Ara Paul

Peak Properties

Thomas and Wendy McIntyre Peard

Barry Pearlman

Linda Pearsall

Mary Kay Pearson

Rola and Alfred Pease

Cristey and Dale Pebley

Mark and Julia Pechlivanos

Nagabhushanam Peddi

Julie Pendergast

Todd and Jill Pennycuff

Susan and Bob Perrish

Jonathon Perry

Cristina Persico

Stefanie Peters

Stacy and Christine Peterson

Stephanie and Thomas Peterson

Pfizer Foundation

Monica Philipp

David and Cathy Phillips

Pinckney Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM

Pizza House

Pleasure Seekers Senior Citizens Club

Ava Pollack

Pollock Investment Advisors

Robert and Jill Pollock

The Polo Fields Foundation

Georgia and Perry Porikos

Jeff Porter

Richard Portwood

Douglas Portz

Francis Poszywak

Kimberly Powell

Vance Powell

Pam Preston

Marla Price

Bruce and Janice Pringle

Tim Prochko

Production Services Management

Tom and Pam Profit

Daniel Projansky


Steve and Kelly Prue

Sean and Samm Pryce

Kent Purdy

Mustafa and Zemira Puric

James Pustay

Cindy Quasarano

Paul and Jane Quasarano

Rima Rabb

Dana Radtke

Lori and Cyril Radwin

Melissa Rae

Rainbow League

Paul Rank

Mary and Craig Rapin

Richard Rappleye

Carolyn and Ulrich Raschke

Connie and Gregg Rasmussen

Ted and Robin Rath

Rave Associates

Robert and Karen Rayunas

Bob Reagle

Kimberly Reck

Robert and Constance Reed

Alnawaz Rehemtulla

Paul Reingold and Julie Bedore

Amy Reinhart

Jack and Kathleen Reinhart

Kurt Reister

Russ and Dot Reister

Jay and Jennifer Reithman

ReMax Platinum

Duane and Kathryn Renken

Bonnie Reynolds

James Reynolds

John and Karen Reynolds

Kathryn Reynolds

Chris Conner and Stanley Rhodes

Deb and Rob Richards

John Richards

Brian and Sarah Richmond

Mark Rigby

Jeanne Rizzo

Brian and Jodi Robards

Linda and Joseph Roberts

Lindsey Roberts

Michael Roberts

Harold and Carolyn Robison Foundation

Dana Rochlen

Megan Rodgers and Julie Crichton

Kelly Roe

Juliet Rogers

Jody Romero-Perez

Alfreda Rooks Jordan

Brian and Tiffany Rooney

Jane Root

Lee Root

Mandy and David Root

Matthew and Crystal Root

Susan Root-Funchion

Estate Of David Rosen

Jo Rosen

Marc and Lynn Rosen

Mark Rosen

Mark and Lisa Rosenberg

Ami and Pru Rosenthal

Andrew and Rebecca Rosenzweig

Rosy’s Boutique

Judith Roth

Jeffrey Rothstein

Barbara Rubin

Joshua and Leora Rubin

Carrie Rudman

David Rudy

William Rudy

Nancy and Ed Ruiz

Renee, Dan and Sophie Ruiz

Steven Rumfelt

Patricia Russell

Michael McIntosh and Lisa Marie Russo

Heidi and David Ruud

Macauley Rybar

Michael Ryder

Russell and Pamela Sackett

John and Mel Salame

Saline Lectronics

Russ Sampson

Jaymee Sandweiss

Dominic and Christine Sanfilippo

Ray and Mary Santangelo

Jon Santina

Dick and Norma Sarns

Mohammad Sarsour

Save A Heart

SC Overlook

Sharon Schappacher

Richelle and Tony Scheffler

Brittany Scheidler

Bill Zirinsky and Ruth Schekter

Kelly Scheu

John and Shaine Schindler

George and Joyce Schlecht

Angela and Kearn Schmid

Gail Schnurstein

Mike and Colleen Schomaker

Michele Schubert

Rachel Schuberth

Cindy Schuck

Jane Schuette

Tom and Judy Schult

Jeanne Schults

Lisa and Stephen Schwartz

Robert Schwartz

Sylvia Schwimmer

Jocelyn Scofield

Debi and Doug Scroggins

Dan and Candace Sebold

Patricia Sebring


See-Racelis Family Foundation

Amy Seger

Carl Seid

Jacob Seid

Stephen Seid

Kim Seiden

Serious Fun Children’s Network

Mary Sexton

Kristy and Jef Shadik

Ceara and Ryan Shankland

Shar, Inc.

Beth and Raphael Shemanski

Heather Sherman

Victoria Shieck

Shirley K. Schlafer Foundation

Jean Shlafer

Diane Shureb

Ben and Susan Sieg

Dan and Emily Siegal

The Sign Guys, Inc.

Joan Silberstein

Gilbert Silverman

Maryhelen Silverthorn

Simmons Foundation

Eric Simpson

Sheryl Simpson

Craig and Susan Sincock

Craig Singer

Brooks and Nancy Sitterley

Carol Skala

Bethany Skeltis

Trish Joyce and Steven Slack

Daniel Slaim

John and Cheryl Slaim

Marjorie Slater

David and Robin Small

Katerina Smart

Michelle Smay

The William and Janet Smith Family Foundation

Christopher J. Smith

Deborah Smith

Elizabeth Smith

Gregory and Cynthia Smith

Janet Smith

William and Janet Smith

Jason Smith

Jenny and Patrick Smith

Keli Schneberger and Shaun Smith

Lori Gotts and Shirley Smith

Steve Smith

Susan Smith

Terry and Shenal Smith

Wendy Smith

Winthrop Smith Jr.

Maureen Smithson

Jane Smitt

Marilyn Snider

Marilyn and Jerome Soble

Milena Soc

Glen Seaman and Janet Sofy

Eva Solomon

Brig Sorber

Elissa Spangler

Jason Sparks

Samantha Spaulding

Michael and Carolyne Spears

Spectrum Health-Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Foundation

Spence Brothers

Barbara Spencer

Ted and Camille Spencer

Jan Spiegelman

Sheridan and Sallie Springer

Joe and Charlene Sproles

Bob and Sherry Sprotte

Rose Spychalski

Amy St. Amour and Joe Niman

Linda St. Cyr

St. John Providence Health System

Tom and Ann Stallkamp

StanCorp Investment Advisers

Stel-Aire Foundation

John and Lisa Stelter

Randy Step

David Stephens

Jessica and Adam Stevenson

Melissa Stewart

Kristi Stinson

Victor and Marlene Stoeffler

Philip and Leslie Stoffregen

Jeff Stommen

Cara and Joseph Stone

Karla Storrs

Mary J. Stroup

Structural Design Incorporated

Thomas Stuart

Michele Sturt

Suburban Chevrolet Cadillac

Dave and Joanne Sudman

Michael Sullivan

Courtney Sumpter

Randy Sung

Max and Sondra Supica

Robert and Carol Sutter

Terri and Leslie Swartz

Jim and Michelle Sweikowsky

Carolyn Szlamkowicz

Rosana Tackett

Ely Tama

Ryan and Lauren Tannehill

Tarkett North America

Taylor Rental

Tee Party

Daniel Teitelbaum

Telemus Capital

Temple Israel

Ted Terletzky

Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation

James Tesen

Bruce Thelen

Thermatru Doors

Carol and Jim Thiry

Jeff Thomas

Dawn and Doug Thompson

Kara Tidwell

Donna Tinberg

Mike and Debbie Tirico

Mark Titus

Mike Titus

Erica Tomassi

Laura Tomassi

Megan Toney

Amanda Tousa

Jennifer Train

Transplant Center At The University Of Michigan

Travelers Community Connections

Michael and Kara Treacy

Amy and Kevin Tremper

Betty Jean Trionfi

Trost Camp Mirage

Troy Women’s Charitable Association

Nathan and Sara Troyer

Cecilia Trudeau

Gail Tubbs

Melissa and Chris Tuck

Karen Turbin

Doug and Jaime Rae Turnbull

TwoSix Digital

George and Jane Ulrych

Ultimate Corrosion Control, Inc.

University of Michigan Plant Operation and Maintenance

University of Michigan Home Care

United Jewish Foundation

United Way Of Saginaw County

United Way Of The Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region

United Way Of Washtenaw County

University Of Michigan Major Events

University of Michigan Dearborn Office of Admissions and Orientation

University Of Michigan Department of Communication

University Of Michigan Health System Marketing

University Of Michigan Neurosurgery

University Of Michigan Recreational Sports

Mike and Katina Uzelac

Vail Resorts and Mt. Brighton

Alec Van Dyke

Catherine Van Poznak

Beth Van Tiem

Mary Vandewiele

Donald VanLoon

John and Heather VanLoon

Michael and Sherry VanLoon

Steve and Faye Varga

Varnum LLP

Verhines Custom Builders

Royce and Sue Vick

Fran Victor and Bill Harder

Stacy and Jason Vieder

Vietnam Veterans Of America, Chapter 310

Matthew Viggiano

Village Laundromat

Tony and Dawn Vitale

Jeanne Vogt

Marla Vogt-Roberts

Jana von Stein

Von Voigtlander Family Foundation

Ted and Jane Von Voigtlander Foundation

Jeff and Kathleen Von Voigtlander

Jacoba and Burton Voss

Joan Marie Vroman

Gary Wachler

Kathleen Wade

Tim and Laurie Wadhams

Wagenshutz Lawn Company

Deborah Wagner

Shelley and David Wainer

Edna Walker

John Walker

Linda Walker

Robert Walker

Ami Walsh and John Baird

Karen Walter

Brad and Carol Walters

Laurie Walters

Edward and Sarah Walton

Meredith Walton

Karen Walworth

Suzann and Robert Wanko

Jim Wanty

Steve and Michelle Ward

Tyler Wardle

Carolyn Warren

Lisa and Todd Warren

Washtenaw County Voiture 951 Michigan

Ken and Dee Wasylik

Molly and Andrew Watkins

Dennis Webb

Jenny Webb

Rodger Webb

Sharon Webb

Albert and Marion Weber

Brian and Heather Weber

Michael Weber

Patti Weber and Dominic Weber

Erin Webley

Russell and Diane Weid

Jack Weidenbach

Scott Weidenfeller

Sue and Dennis Weinand

Stacy and Neil Weissman

Jeff and Liz Wellek

Diane Wells

Mark and Nancy Wenning

Viktor Weyand Travel Service

Tina Wheatley

Tom Whitaker

Leslie White

Nick and Betsy White

Steve and Sue Whitener

Dawn and Jeremy Whitford

Whole Foods Market

Gerald Wieczorek

Margaret and Kenneth Wilczewski

Drs.  Bob and Jen Williams

David and Camille Williams

Lauren and Aaron Williams

Lynly and Brent Williams

Roger and Linda Williams

Steve Williams

Elba and Steven Williamson

Lindsay Williamson

Willis & Jurasek, PC

Friedelle and Jack Winans

Cynthia Winiarski

Bob Wismer

Kathryn Wisne

Jennifer Wisniewski

Marji and Chris Wisniewski

Paul and Karen Wisniewski

Shirley and Edward Wisniewski

Linn Wisnoskey

Marsha and Harvey Wolf

Susan Wolfe

Charles Woodson

Doris Woodward

Lynne Wright

Caroline and Richard Wunderlich

Thomas and Heather Wurster

Donald and Terry Wurtzel

Wyandotte Senior Friendship Club, Copeland Center

Fernando Yarza

The Mesberg Yashar Fund

Helene Yorke

Doris Young

Roberta Young

Ypsilanti Women Of The Moose–Chapter 286

Mary Zatina

Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Zehfuss

Jeff Zeleji

Kathy Zelenock

Lan and Yilu Zhang

John Zidar

Patricia Ziemba

Nathan and Susan Zill

David and Judy Zimmerman

Michael and Sydell Zimmerman

Zingerman’s Mail Order

Robert and Mary Zizza

Bashar Zoma